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Jagex Important Before Playing Info


This text appears in the Official Jagex website before you can select which server you wish to play in.

Quote From


Important notes regarding the RS2 beta.
Please read before playing

Members only
Since we expect a LOT of players will want to try the beta and we will only have a limited number of servers to run it on, the beta is currently only be available to paying members.
If you are not a member then you can still play on a FREE RS1 world here, or to find out about the other benefits of a RuneScape subscription, click here.

Logging In
To log-in to the beta use your existing members username & password.

The beta is played using TEST accounts.
Everything you do on your RS2 test account will be forgotten when the beta ends.
The reason for this is safety. This way if an undetected mistake during the testing causes your test player to lose items or stats, it WON'T affect your real player. When the beta ends all RS2 test accounts will be reset and replaced with your RS1 stats/objects and quests. Therefore if you want to gain permanent levels or items we recommend that for now you continue to play RS1 instead.

Not all content has yet been added to the beta.
Some of the content is nearly finished, but is still going through internal testing and will be added here as we think it's ready. We expect to update the beta on a weekly basis, and will rapidly add the remaining game elements so that they can be tested in stages. At the moment the following features are still being worked on: The west side of the map, duelling, running-ability, sound-effects, bank2bank-trading.

Reporting Bugs
Please report all bugs relating to the beta on our Forums under 'RS2 Bugs'.

If you don't like something in the beta then please remember it's a test.
We are running the beta so that we can get feedback before making changes to the real game. The best place to discuss this is on our official forums. This is where your comments and ideas are most likely to be noticed by our dev-team. However please try the game properly before sending feedback. Messages from players who haven't even properly tried what they are commenting on are no use to us. Also we want *constructive* criticism. If there is something that you don't like then suggest how it could be made better, don't just say you don't like it.

We have deliberately broken lumbridge-teleport
The lumbridge teleport needs no runes or magic ability. This is temporary, and it will not be like this when the beta ends! This is purely so that if you get stuck somewhere in the beta you can use it to escape. If you find anywhere where it is possible to become trapped, and you need to teleport to escape, then please let us know.

Regarding lag
You should find the game runs at about the same speed as RS1. The only thing which is noticeably different is that the loading time when walking between areas is slightly longer, but this is only because the loading lines are now futher apart and so it has to load more map in one go.

First-time in Areas When you first visit an area or map that you have never seen before, it will seem quite slow to load (a few seconds), but after that the game remembers what it looks like, and will load more quickly next time you visit (even if you turned your computer off).

Larger Map
You may notice that the map is a bit more spread out, and that it therefore takes slightly longer to get between cities. Don't worry, we are planning on adding a running ability to counteract this (and also to make wilderness combat a bit more interesting). The 'weight' equipment stat you may notice is not yet used, but is planned to purely affect your ability to run.


End Quote


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